The more you share

The more you share The more you hurt The more you hurt The more you depressed The more you depressed The more you feel alone The more you feel alone The more your tears flow The more your tears shed The more your heart cry The more your heart cry The more you hurt -Read…

Number 2

On a scorching hot day, I was about to enter into a 10-storey building  at the entrance security guy stopped me and said in polite way “Sir, Can you please fill your details” “Ok sure ” I said and filled the details After that I walked to ground floor,  I saw there were four people standing in the…

Favorite color?

My favorite color is Red Why? Day starts and ends with red colored sun🌅 When I run my code it points out my mistake with red color, it makes me to think again about my mistake. When I was at driving, red colored traffic signal alerts me to not to rush on the road may it…

Only i know is books😊

While reading a book, I jump and roll over bed while reading books. I just can’t stop myself. Things I am embarrassed to do in cinemas, books give me the chance to do in the privacy of my room. Only books knows how I react to various things be it romance, murder or whatever. Only…

Her Resurrection – Book Review

I added this book in my reading list a long ago but i didn’t get time to read it because there are many books in queue to complete. Recently my friend suggested me to read this then i pick it and started reading it was good start, after completion of two chapters my mind run…

Isn’t my life is boring?

Hey how was your holiday’s started? 1st day started with “Just you, me and secret” What  ? It was a book name wrote by Ganga Bharani Vasudevan. You read books instead of partying in these holidays? Yes in my thought Partying hard & Enjoying means,finishing a book. then your enjoyment is reading a book ? yes…