The more you share

The more you share The more you hurt The more you hurt The more you depressed The more you depressed The more you feel alone The more you feel alone The more your tears flow The more your tears shed The more your heart cry The more your heart cry The more you hurt -Read…

Driver👮 – Saab👳

Nikhil Saab? Yes!! Why are you so late? Traffic sir Okay go fast I need to reach office as early as possible. Okay, can I start the trip? Start karo. Okay The car started moving and traveled 2 kilometers still I need to go ten more kilometers I was busy in referring my papers in the file. The…

Accidental Kiss

My Girl and I decided to hang out & planned accordingly But Unexpectedly she came along with her friend. Why did you bring your friend? I murmured She said she is feeling boring So I said to come with me Okay will she is okay with me? Okay with you? What does that mean? Am I…

Mom & Daughter

My First song Mom, do you hear me? Mom, do you hear me? I just woke up, come and give me a hug Mom, are you der? I need your hands to brush my hair Mom, are you der? I need you to pat my back and wake me up Mom, are you der? I…

My Story – it’s Thrilling?

I moved to Punjab. At First, I excited that I got an offer in Punjab. When I step in Punjab there were two people to receive me; I feel like wow I was respectable in this company, Office Cab has arrived in front of me in minutes. Then they stopped at the most famous hotel…

It started! When she is eleven months old- Part1

Are you in love? Yes With whom? With Hansi Is it her name? Yes Nice!! When was it started? Will you believe it, if I say? Yes, I will You have time to listen? Ample of Okay then listen ” I think I was 8years old, I was playing somewhere, my mom caught me and…

She found her sister with blood

Why didn’t you call me yesterday? I am busy Can I know What type of busy is that? Nothing Say Nothing I said If you don’t say anything, I will break up with you. No! Why did you say like that? Then say Okay, listen I was in the hospital. OMG! What happened? My car hit a…

A woman cry

An old college situated in Anupavaram village which is very famous in state-wide, so many students strive to get admitted there. The hostel in that college was elegant and clean environment, students love to stay in the campus itself, but students can’t understand one thing in that hostel is one room was closed all the…

Number 2

On a scorching hot day, I was about to enter into a 10-storey building  at the entrance security guy stopped me and said in polite way “Sir, Can you please fill your details” “Ok sure ” I said and filled the details After that I walked to ground floor,  I saw there were four people standing in the…

Favorite color?

My favorite color is Red Why? Day starts and ends with red colored sun🌅 When I run my code it points out my mistake with red color, it makes me to think again about my mistake. When I was at driving, red colored traffic signal alerts me to not to rush on the road may it…

Only i know is books😊

While reading a book, I jump and roll over bed while reading books. I just can’t stop myself. Things I am embarrassed to do in cinemas, books give me the chance to do in the privacy of my room. Only books knows how I react to various things be it romance, murder or whatever. Only…


Raj is working in a software company which was a startup, he was bored with the office work. He works 10 hours per day, but his salary remains same. He feels proud of his job that he has achieved something in his life. He loves only one thing in his office is break time, It…