Sharing data between iOS Apps and App Extensions

Swift3 & Xcode8 Create a New Project How to create New Project? : Open Xcode from Applications- Go to File – New Project – Name your project and Save In Xcode you will see AppDelegate, View Controller  File’s and Storyboard on left side We are going to discuss about Sharing data between iOS Apps and App Extensions…

Protocol in swift

In Swift, delegates are implemented using a protocol declaration For example, if you have two classes, a parent and a child: class Parent { } class Child { } And if you want to notify the Parent,  a change from Child, you would use protocol: Create A Protocol: protocol ChildDelegate { func childDidSomething() } In the child class we need…

Optional’s, Wrap and Unwrap in Swift

An Optional is basically means that the variable can be nil Example: var itCanBeNil: String? = “You can make me nil” itCanBeNil = nil Question Mark(?) indicates the fact that itCanBeNil Variable can be nil Let’s try  to make nil a variable which declared without Optional ? Example: var itCantBeNil: String = “You can’t make me nil” itCantBeNil = nil  //Compiler Throws…

UICollectionView inside a UITableviewCell

Is it easy? I can say yes I am going to show you how can we code for to achieve UICollectionView in UITableview using Swift Programming Language. For those who don’t have an idea about what is Swift – ‘Swift is the new programming language iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps that build on the best of C and…